
РазработчикBrainwash Gang
Дата выхода19 мая 2017
ИздательSindiecate Arts
NONGÜNZ IS OUT! THANK YOU!Nongünz finally arrives at Steam!! It has been an intense way with a lot of people backing the game, giving Nongünz a lot of love, now we are very happy with the reception of the game, we love there are so much people discovering Nongünz secrets... Now it´s time to play it!!The game has all the personality and crazy way of their devs @verz_edu (Producer, Game designer, Main Pixel Artist, and Creative Director) and @ezrubiera (Main Programmer), the music has all the charm and style of @beibeicoli.We also want to thank all those people behind of the development:Marcos a.k.a Muffin de Sepia (an insane level designer) Charly Santafé and Guille Laorga (lovely guys with magic on their hands) "our" Rafer Labarta (keep an eye on this promising guy!) Bakir Khawam a.k.a. Moha (the finnest pixel artist of Persia) For all of you guys, our infinite LOVE
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